The Jefferson Place Something for Everyone Positive Affirmations
As I wake and welcome my day, I begin with thankfulness. I keep my thoughts geared towards positive thoughts and intentions. This positive energy in spirit fuels my day. And is the momentum for trust in productive outcomes.
I choose to move forward learning from my experiences and not surrendering to arrested development. Today is another step towards a more evolved me.
Every day I am getting healthier and stronger in my mind and in my body. I envision a more healed me. My spirit constantly fortifies me.
People who come across my path with ideas and comments that are unhealthy, unwise, and mean-spirited, are cues to walk away and steer myself towards the direction of encouragement, support, and love-based motives.
Comparing myself to others is not uplifting. Recalling who I was yesterday, and the improvements I intend to implement today, inspires me. Tomorrow I’ll remember this again.
I am grateful for all good that comes my way, in any form, and by anyone. I never miss an opportunity to express thankfulness to anyone or anything. A simple “thank you” does wonders for all spirits derived from the true original creator source.
I am undeterred by people who do not see the beauty I possess. As long as I strive to be thankful, to be positive, to never give up on being the healthiest me in mind, body, and spirit, and to remember that everyone has their own process towards true awakening, my space will never be cluttered by someone else’s view of me. My inner beauty radiates out to the world because I am here.
My regrets will never define who I am. They are opportunity reminders for the person who realized those oversights. And irons in the fire for the me that keeps growing because of them.
Part of my purpose here is to acknowledge the significance of my life. My spirit integrity has meaning. My dreams have meaning. My intentions have meaning. All of these things serve my goals.
My day ends with gratitude and love for everyone and everything that touched my day with positive meaning and inspiration. And a profound appreciation for my dedication towards forward movement.
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